

Here are the most interesting server commands:

Command: sv_restart
help: Restarts the round.

Command: sv_say
help: Broadcasts a message to all clients.

variable: sv_AISystem REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
current: 1
help: Load and use the AI system on the server

variable: sv_autoconfigurl
help: Automatically download configuration data from a URL

variable: sv_bandwidth
current: 50000
help: Bit rate on server

variable: sv_bind REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD
help: Bind the server to a specific IP address

variable: sv_cheatprotection
current: 1
help: turns cheatprotection on or off

variable: sv_gamerules
current: PowerStruggle
help: The game rules that the server should use

variable: sv_map
current: ps_port
help: The map the server should load

variable: sv_maxmemoryusage
current: 0
help: Maximum memory a dedicated server is allowed to use

variable: sv_maxplayers DUMPTODISK
current: 32
help: Maximum number of players allowed to join server.

variable: sv_maxspectators DUMPTODISK
current: 32
help: Maximum number of players allowed to be spectators during the game.

variable: sv_password DUMPTODISK
help: Server password

variable: sv_timeofdayenable DUMPTODISK
current: 1
help: Enables time of day simulation.

variable: sv_timeofdaylength DUMPTODISK
current: 1
help: Sets time of day changing speed.

variable: sv_timeofdaystart DUMPTODISK
current: 12
help: Sets time of day start time.

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